Penile Implant

The search for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in medicine has been going on for many years. For this purpose, many treatment methods described throughout the history of humanity.

Natural, herbal, drug and surgical treatments roughly summarize these options. Vascular surgery, which is among the surgical treatments of erectile dysfunction, has been abandoned today.

Vascular surgeries have been discontinued due to low success and high complication rates as well as long-term patient dissatisfaction. However, it is performed in very limited numbers and in appropriate indications.

Nowadays, penile implant surgeries are one of the most popular and accepted surgeries in the erectile dysfunction treatments. The happiness stick (penile implant) is the most frequently performed surgery for erectile dysfunction all over the world due to the high satisfaction of both patients and partners.

In this article, we tried to write all the medical information about the happiness stick (penile prosthesis) in as simple and understandable terms as possible, accompanied by your questions. Apart from the listed questions, you can ask all your questions from the contact section of our website.

What is a happiness stick (Penile Implant)?

Penile prosthesis, known as the happiness stick, is the device that provides erection with the help of some apparatus placed externally on the penis. Due to its positive effect on erection, it is also known as a happiness stick among the people.

Who can have the Happiness Stick (Penile Implant)?

Happiness stick is applied to patients who have erectile dysfunction and who cannot benefit from using other medical treatment methods also. In order for the happiness stick to be inserted, the patients must have used other treatments methods before and have not get any benefit from these methods.

In the cases where there is no response to all these treatments, the happiness stick becomes an important treatment option for patients.

Which hospitals apply Happiness Stick (Penile Prosthesis)?

The happiness stick can be applied in many health centers in Ankara, including public and private institutions. We, on the other hand, first examine our patients in our own clinic and offer penile prosthesis surgery in any of the private hospitals that we have contracted with.

Do you apply the Happiness Stick (Penile Implant) in Ankara?

We have been successfully applying the happiness stick surgery (penile implant) to our patients for many years. We first examine our patients in our own private clinic and evaluate them with the results of the analysis they bring with them.

We examine their previous treatments one by one. With all these results, we apply penile prosthesis to the patients we specified, in one of the contracted hospitals located in  Ankara. We conduct patient examinations in our clinic, numbered 98-99, on the 18th floor of Kale Ofis Plaza, located in Çukurambar, Ankara. We attach deep significance to patient privacy in our clinic.

Are the prices of happiness stick (penile Implant) different in Ankara?

Penile prosthesis surgeries are operated in different centers of Ankara. Although there are differences between these centers among prices, it ranges are roughly similar to each other.

How long does the happiness stick surgery take on average?

The duration of the happiness stick surgery varies according to the characteristics of the patient. Although this period is around 1 hour on average, it can be extended depending on the patient’s condition. The presence of pre-existing penile curvatures, plaques, and additional conditions such as Peyronie’s disease affects the prolongation of this period.

Do the comments of those who use an artificial prosthetic penis cause anxiety?

Reviews of those who use the happiness stick may differ. For this reason, excessive reading before the procedure may cause anxiety in patients. In general, although the treatment success and patient satisfaction rates are quite high, the negativities existing in some patients may also negatively affect the new patients.

In this case, you can get the most accurate information from your own doctor because there is a lot of useful as well as harmful information on the internet. In order to get rid of information pollution, please consult your doctor about all your questions about surgery.

Do happiness bar prices get cheaper over time?

Penile prosthesis, known as the happiness stick, unfortunately cannot be produced in Turkey. Since it is a product imported from foreign countries, it mostly enters our country through their exchange rate. For the answer to this question, it may be more correct to say that penile prosthesis prices may be cheaper if the Turkish Lira gains value against foreign currency rates.

I decided on penile Implant application after reading user comments. What is your opinion?

Reading the comments of prosthesis users can be instructive. However, you should make the real decision together with your doctor. Because the main thing in this decision is to determine the current situation of the patient and guide them to the most appropriate treatment.

Is the price of penile Implant implantation surgery different from the price of the device?

Penile prosthesis surgery price is requested by hospitals. This price often includes the cost of the device. In some health institutions, this is requested separately from the patients. Surgery fees are a separate price, device cost is another price.

Is penile Implant implantation surgery difficult?

Happiness stick surgery is an operation after all. Every surgery has its own difficulties. Happiness stick surgery also has some difficulties in itself. However, when compared to other surgeries, we can say that it is a relatively comfortable surgery.

Especially due to the ease of pain relief and the ease of starting daily life in the early postoperative period, it can be said that it is a comfortable surgery for the patient.

Who cannot have penile Implant surgery?

  • Patients with advanced neurological disorders
  • Patients with systemic diseases that cannot be controlled (such as heart, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases)
  • Patients who cannot use their hands for two-piece or three-piece prosthesis
  • Patients with active urinary tract infections
  • Spouse or partner without consent (relative)

How is a penile Implant attached?

The patient is made ready by making some preparations before the surgery. The patient is informed about the type of anesthesia to be applied by the anesthesiologist beforehand. Following the anesthesia, the patient is placed on the operating table in a supine position.

Staining and surgical site cleaning is done with appropriate antiseptics. An incision is made to include the skin of the penis and scrotum. There are other types of incisions as well.

Then, an incision is made by passing sutures to the structures called corpus cavernosum on both sides, and the cavernous structures are expanded through these incisions with the help of expander tools.

The enlarged areas with antibiotic solutions prepared beforehand are washed abundantly and the length of the prosthesis to be inserted is measured. The prosthesis of the required size is placed inside the properly expanded cavernous structures. Then, the procedure is terminated by applying the appropriate sutures.

Do the hospitals operating penile Implant surgery supply the implant themselves?

Hospitals that operate penile prosthesis surgery usually supply the prosthesis themselves. If it will be provided by the patient, that should be notified to the patient in advance. Most of the time, providing the prosthesis by the hospital or authorized company creates a great ease for the patient.

How does the penile Implant work?

The working systems of happiness sticks are different from each other. It is much easier to use when the prosthesis to be inserted is one-piece. However, patients should be informed about the post-operative use of two-piece or three-piece penile prostheses. Before using the device, patients should be informed by the doctor with sufficient and understandable information.

The attached device should be used within this information. Otherwise, the mechanics of the device may be damaged. It can lead to a difficult and undesirable situation in terms of health and financial problems.

Will there be bleeding during penile implant surgery?

Bleeding occurs during penile prosthesis surgery. This bleeding is no different from bleeding in other surgeries. An unexpected bleeding specific to penile prosthesis surgery usually does not occur. Bleeding in the surgery is not a serious problem, but if proper bleeding control is not performed, there is a possibility to have some problems after the surgery.

What are the types of penile implant?

Penile prostheses are listed under three headings:

  • One-piece penile prostheses (Rigid and semi-rigid ones)
  • 2-piece penile prostheses (Inflatable)
  • 3-piece penile prostheses (Inflatable)

Is the penile prosthesis implantation surgery satisfying for women?

There are many studies on this subject. When the satisfaction rates are evaluated for both partners, it is over 90%. For this reason, happiness stick surgery is not only satisfactory for the man, but also a very satisfying operation for the female partner.

Does the happiness stick cause pain in the female partner?

The penile prosthesis does not cause any pain in the female partner. In case of pain during sexual intercourse, the female partner should be examined gynecologically and an appropriate treatment should be started.

What are the satisfaction rates among those who have the penile implant?

According to studies, the satisfaction rates of people with penile prosthesis are approximately 70-90% in both men and women. In some publications, this rate is stated above 90%. From this point of view, it can be said that happiness stick surgeries are very satisfactory and successful surgeries.

Which doctor can operate Penile Prosthesis surgery?

Penile prosthesis surgery is operated by urology or andrology specialists.

Which of the penile prosthesis types is preferred?

There are many criteria that determine which type of prosthesis will be applied to which patient. Together with these criteria, the patient should be evaluated and the type of prosthesis to be applied should be decided together with the patient. For example, for the patients who cannot use their hands comfortably, a one-piece rigid prosthesis may be more suitable instead of wearing an inflatable prosthesis.

On the other hand, two-piece or three-piece penile prosthesis can be preferred for ease of carrying in healthy patients who can use their hands comfortably. This decision should be made by the doctor and the patient together. The recommendation may be different for each patient. It is better to decide the types of the prosthesis with your doctor.

When can those with a penile prosthesis be able to have intercourse?

Sexual intercourse is not allowed in the early period of happiness stick surgeries. This is important in terms of preventing wound infection and healing of tissues. Usually, sexual intercourse is allowed 4 or 6 weeks after surgery. This situation differs from patient to patient. For this reason, it would be appropriate to get the most accurate information from your doctor who operated your surgery.

How to use the happiness bar?

The use of the happiness stick varies according to the type of prosthesis inserted. One-piece prostheses can generally be used without serious problems. However, for two-piece or three-piece, information and training is absolutely necessary before use.

This information is very important especially in terms of not damaging the device. Two-piece or three-piece penile prostheses usually have a pump placed in the scrotum. In this type of prosthesis, the penis can be hardened by squeezing and releasing the pump, while the applications to restore the penis after intercourse differ in both devices.

While the hardness is lost and restored by squeezing and releasing the penis duly in two-pieces, it is necessary to press the button in the scrotum for this purpose in three-pieces. Before you start using the prosthesis for the correct application, you should definitely get detailed information from your doctor.

What are the latest developments in penile implant?

In recent years, great advances have been made in penile prosthesis, especially in terms of technology. Reservoir, pump and their functioning have been simplified and the warranty period for the prosthesis usage periods has been extended. Even some of the penile prostheses firms are arranged to have a lifetime warranty. This shows a very advanced development in terms of technology.

Are there any harms of penile implant?

Penile prosthesis does not cause any harm to the person or his penis. Complications after surgery are valid for all surgeries. In this surgery, some undesirable situations may occur, but even if they do occur, the problem is mostly successfully eliminated with appropriate treatment. Apart from this, the penile prosthesis does not cause any harm to the patient.

Who gets a three-piece penile prosthesis?

A 3-piece penile prosthesis can be inserted in all patients with suitable general health status and who have not responded to any previous treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Who cannot wear a three-piece penile implant?

It is not preferred especially in patients who cannot use their hands and have advanced neurological problems. However, this decision should be made together with the patient. There is no standard practice for every patient. The application varies from patient to patient. The type of implant to be applied is determined by interviewing the patient after the general health status of the patient is evaluated.

Is it necessary to use medication after the happiness stick surgery?

After the happiness stick surgery, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used as recommended by your doctor. No medication should be used without the doctor’s recommendation after the surgery. You can also request detailed information from the doctor who operated on you about when to start and how to use current and previous medications.

When to start blood thinners after the happiness stick surgery?

You should definitely talk to your doctor about the time to start blood thinners after the happiness stick surgery. The medicines used to dilute the blood are quite different from each other. Therefore, the re-use times of these medicines are also different from each other. Please request the most accurate information from your doctor.

If you start using it in the early period by mistake, you may affect the bleeding during the surgery. On the other hand, if blood thinners are started late, a disorder related to coagulation factors may occur in the body and may lead to fatal damage to the relevant organs. For example, in the heart, this can occur in a way that triggers a heart attack, while a clot in the brain can lead to strokes. It is a very important and serious situation.

Will there be pain after the happiness stick surgery?

There may be pain at the surgical area after the happiness stick surgery, but in case of long-term pain, other underlying factors should be searched. Because after the operation, it is generally not expected to see intense pain. Minimal pain that may occur is also seen in the early stages of surgery and these are usually at a level that can be managed with painkillers.

Will there be difficulty in urination after the happiness stick surgery?

During the happiness stick surgery, a probe is usually placed in the urinary tract. This catheter is removed the next day after the surgery.  Usually no problem with urination is seen after the surgery.

Will there be curvature in the penis after the happiness stick surgery?

There is no curvature in the penis after the happiness stick surgery. After this surgery, the curvature of the penis is corrected and reaches a level that will allow a normal erection. The surgery has a beneficial effect on the erection as well as the healing of the curvature.

What to do if bleeding occurs after happiness stick surgery?

After the surgery, there may be a slight bleeding from the incision area. Apart from this, heavy and life-threatening significant bleeding is not expected. If you see bleeding at the wound area or if there is severe bleeding that makes the dressing wet, you should inform your doctor.

Early bleeding is not a serious issue. There is no bleeding after the surgery. However, precaution should be taken in terms of bleeding in patients with bleeding disorders or patients using blood thinners before surgery. Preoperative and postoperative medications of these patients should be carefully arranged.

Should training be taken to use the device after the happiness stick surgery?

Training is absolutely essential before using the device after the surgery. Otherwise, it is inevitable to damage the device.

How is the dressing done after the happiness stick surgery?

After the happiness stick surgery, the dressing is usually applied after 24 hours, and then daily dressing is sufficient for about 7 to 10 days. Apart from this, the necessity of additional dressing should be done in accordance with the recommendation of your doctor.

When to take a bath after the happiness stick surgery?

In order to take a bath and shower after penile implant surgeries, it is generally required to complete the skin wound healing period of 7-10 days. Apart from that, this period may be less or more depending on the condition of the wound. For this reason, it would be appropriate to consult your doctor about the time of bathing after the surgery.

What to do if there is redness and discharge in the penis after the happiness stick surgery?

In case of redness in the penis and discharge at the wound area after the happiness stick surgery, you must inform your doctor. Swelling, redness, temperature increase, pain and accompanying discharge may be a sign of infection in the prosthesis implanted area. It is very important to detect early and start appropriate antibiotics. Therefore, when you encounter these complaints, you should inform your doctor beforehand.

Will there be a bruise on the penis after the happiness stick surgery?

In the early postoperative period, slight bruising and swelling may occur on the penis, these are completely normal. Over time, these symptoms will gradually decrease day by day. You don’t need to worry.

Will there be pain at the tip of the penis after the happiness stick surgery?

Pain at the tip of the penis or body part after the happiness stick surgery may occur in the early period of the surgery. However, if the pain persists afterward and there is redness or discharge at the tip of the penis, you must inform your doctor. The pain seen in the early period will pass in a few days, if it persists, consult your doctor.

When to stand up after the happiness stick surgery?

Getting up after the happiness stick surgery takes place in a very short time. Although it varies according to the type of anesthesia to be applied and the condition of the patient, patients can usually stand up and walk 6 hours after the operation.

When will you be discharged after the happiness stick surgery?

Patients are usually discharged 24-48 hours after penile implant surgery. However, this period may be extended depending on the patient’s condition. Especially:

  • those with systemic rheumatism
  • in diabetics
  • in heart patients
  • in those with chronic liver failure

In patients with chronic renal failure, the length of stay in the hospital may be prolonged because more precautions should be taken in terms of infection.

How should you use the penile prosthesis device to prolong the life span of it?

First of all, it is very important to be trained before using the device. In line with this training, it is necessary to be gentle with the device during use. While providing erection before and after intercourse, being very sensitive and not going beyond the instructions for use prolongs the life of the device. While usage guarantees vary between 2-5 years for these devices, some companies provide lifetime guarantees for their devices.

Do hospitals have special certification of penile implant surgery?

There are no special certification requirements for hospitals to apply happiness stick. Special certification procedures are required for operations like IVF or organ transplantation. They are not valid for penile prosthesis surgeries.

When is the first check-up after penile implant surgery?

The first control after penile prosthesis surgery is the first time recommended by your doctor. This varies according to the patient’s condition. Usually in the first week after the surgery the control is made. It should be noted that the situation may vary from patient to patient.

Will there be bleeding in the urine after penile implant surgery?

Under normal conditions and after an operation without complications, no bleeding is seen in the urine.

What to do if inflammation occurs after surgery?

Inflammation after penile prosthesis surgery is one of the significant problems. Early recognition of the infection and initiation of treatment is very important. Therefore, in suspected cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor very early.

In cases of inflammation, treatment protocols vary according to the severity of the inflammation. Usually, the problem is solved before the infection grows with appropriate antibiotics and good wound care in the early period. In more advanced cases, the prosthesis may even need to be removed.

Does the two-piece cause pain?

Pain may occur in the early period after two-piece penile prosthesis surgery. This is completely normal. Apart from this, it should be investigated whether there is another underlying pathology in prolonged pain. If the pain persists, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

What is the advantage of a two-piece?

In 2-piece penile prostheses, the pump is placed in the scrotum. However, since there is no reservoir, no additional tissue damage is done which is the biggest advantage of it. Often a single incision area is sufficient, which is considered another benefit.

What is the disadvantage of a two-piece?

There is no serious data in the literature regarding the disadvantages of 2-piece penile prostheses. However, there are data in recent studies that 3-piece penile prostheses cause more satisfaction in patients.

It is known that patients who had a two-piece penile prosthesis removed before and had a 3-piece penile prosthesis afterward, preferred the 3-piece penile prosthesis more when they compared both. Patients expressed this situation as a higher quality of erection and a much better softening afterwards.

Will the two-piece penile prosthesis break?

It consists of a 2-piece penile prosthesis pump and a system that provides fluidity to the tissues from this pump. This system is a completely mechanical system. For this reason, as with all mechanical devices, there is a possibility of deterioration in two-piece penile prostheses. The warranty period received from the companies is important against the possibility of deterioration.

Does the two-piece penile prosthesis have a reservoir?

There is no reservoir in 2-piece penile prostheses. The reservoir is available in 3 parts.

Are there a large number of penile prosthesis companies?

There are a few companies producing penile prosthesis all over the world. There are not as many companies as it seems. In Turkey, penile prosthesis production is not available.

In which department do the doctors who operate the happiness sticks surgery?

Doctors who operate happiness sticks generally work in urology and andrology departments.

What is penile prosthesis implantation?

Penile prosthesis implantation is the medical name of the happiness stick insertion surgery.

Which one is the most frequently used among the happiness bar types?

Two-piece or three-piece penile prostheses are mostly preferred by both patients and doctors. One-piece ones are mostly not preferred by the patients due to the difficulties of use and transportation.

How long does the penile prosthesis last?

A certain lifetime has not been defined for penile prostheses, but the warranty periods of the companies for these devices vary.

Do you need preparation before inserting the happiness stick?

  • Anesthesia preparation required
  • Previously used drugs need to be rearranged
  • Previous diseases need to be treated and stabilized
  • Psychological preparation is required.
  • The partner must also contribute to the process.

Are the prices of 3 piece inflatable penile prosthesis different from others?

3 piece inflatable penile prosthesis prices are slightly higher than other prostheses. Its cost is different from others because it has advantages.

Do penile prosthesis prices differ in Ankara?

The cost of penile prostheses often varies between different companies. These differences applied for surgery in Ankara are mostly related to the material company. In terms of surgery, the fees in Ankara are approximately close to each other.

Do men wear the happiness stick often?

Happiness stick surgeries are one of the most common surgeries in men. In the treatment of erectile dysfunction, penile prosthesis is preferred in cases where there is no response to other treatment methods. Due to the high rate of satisfaction by the patients, the demand is quite high.

On the other hand, due to its high cost and the limitation of the scope of payment by the Social Security Institution from time to time, it makes it difficult for patients to reach. In other words, despite the high demand, a significant group of patients cannot reach prostheses because of the high cost.

Are you operating in Ankara?

The happiness stick has been successfully operated by us in Ankara for many years.

In which hospital do you operate the happiness stick in Ankara?

In our clinic, we primarily evaluate this patient group. We perform surgery in any of the contracted hospitals in Ankara. To get detailed information about the surgery and all these, it is sufficient to contact with us from the contact numbers on our website.

Is the 2-piece penile prosthesis different from the others?

  1. Its technology is different
  2. Structural condition is different
  3. Usage is different
  4. The cost is different
  5. Does not have a reservoir

I want to have a happiness stick. What should I do?

In order to have a happiness stick applied, you need to call us at +90545-535 11 81 and request an appointment. Our team will arrange an appointment for you and your examination together with all necessary procedures will be done as soon as possible.

Will there be egg pain after 3-piece inflatable penile prosthesis?

In the 3-piece inflatable type penile prosthesis surgery, there is an apparatus placed on the penis and providing erection, a pump placed in the scrotum and a reservoir placed in the inguinal region. Depending on the location of the pump, pain may occur in the early stages of the surgery but it is not excessive. Later on that pain goes away in a very short time.

Whether there is another underlying pathological cause of persistent pain should be carefully investigated.

Is there a difference between penile prosthesis prices?

There are differences between penile prosthesis prices. Generally, one-piece prostheses are more affordable than others. However, it is less preferred by patients.

Why are malleable penile prostheses less preferred?

The malleable prosthesis is a one-piece prosthesis. There are some reasons why it is less preferred by patients:

  • Difficult to carry during the day
  • Because the penis is always hard, it is possible to experience trauma outside of sexual intercourse.
  • There is a possibility of damage to the penis due to prolonged hardening.
  • It causes patients to stay away from social environment and activities.
  • Creates psychological difficulties from constant stiffness

Is a malleable penile prosthesis less effective?

These prostheses show the same function as other prostheses in terms of effectiveness. As a result, it makes no difference to the sexual experience and satisfaction.

Does a malleable penile prosthesis differ for the female partner?

The malleable penile prosthesis does not show any difference in terms of the female partner. Just like in other prostheses, it creates the expected satisfaction.

When is the return to daily life after penile prosthesis surgery?

Return to daily life after penile prosthesis surgery takes about 5-7 days. After wound healing is complete, patients return to most of their previous activities.

How is the prosthesis size determined during penile prosthesis implantation?

During the implantation of the penile prosthesis, while the structures related to the erection, called the corpus cavernosum, are enlarged, the penis length is evaluated with special measuring devices and the most suitable prosthesis is attached to the patient.

Should penile prosthesis users go to the doctor regularly for checkups?

It is beneficial for those who use penile prosthesis to go to the doctor at regular intervals in the first year after the surgery. However, there is no need for routine doctor control afterwards. In case of any problem, patient should consult the doctor again.

When do penile prostheses patients start their diabetes medication?

Those who have a penile prosthesis can usually start diabetes medications 6 hours after surgery. However, the doctor who performed the surgery decides which medicines will be used, when and how often. For this reason, it is important that you inform your doctor about the medicines you use primarily before the operation.

Is one-piece penile prosthesis surgery more difficult than others?

Contrary to popular belief, one-piece penile prosthesis surgery is much easier to apply than other prostheses.

How does the happiness stick affect the psychological process in men?

The happiness stick in men definitely affects the psychological process positively. The increase in the self-confidence of the person and the efficiency of quality of erection, form the basis of this positive effect. At the same time, partner satisfaction also contributes significantly to the process.

Will there be penis deformation after the happiness stick attached to men?

There is no penis deformation after the happiness stick attached to men. On the contrary, pre-existing curvatures and deformations can be completely corrected after the prosthesis.

Does the use of a happiness stick prevent prostate surgery?

Patients using the happiness stick can easily have prostate surgery. Having a happiness stick is not an obstacle for prostate surgery.

What kind of technology was the happiness stick made with?

An advanced and high-end technology is used in the happiness stick. It is important to ensure the fluidity of the liquid, especially in inflatable type prostheses. This fluidity is provided between the pump reservoir and the structures that provide the hardening placed in the tissues.

Do I need to take additional medication for the happiness stick and sexual life quality?

There is no need to take additional medications after the surgery for the happiness stick and the quality of sexual life. This is one of the most important advantages of surgery. Medicines not only cause various side effects due to their chemical structure, but also cause serious distress to patients due to their high prices.

Does the happiness stick affect enjoyment?

The happiness stick does not spoil the enjoyment, does not affect it negatively. On the contrary, it provides continuity in the functional structure of the penis and causes an increase in pleasure.

Does the happiness stick give pleasure?

Since a full quality is provided in penile erection by using the happiness stick, it helps the partner to enjoy it as well.

Is there an age limit for happiness stick surgery?

There is no age limit for the happiness stick surgery. What is more important than age is the daily performance status of the person, whether he has a neurological disease, other existing systemic diseases and whether he uses medicines for them or not.

How to understand the happiness stick? Is it understandable from the outside?

Unfortunately, one-piece, malleable prostheses that remain rigid can be recognized from the outside. Other than that, it is almost impossible to notice both the 2-piece and 3-piece inflatable prostheses from the outside. Even during sexual intercourse, it is difficult for the opposite partner to notice unless it is touched. Therefore, male patients can safely use the prosthesis.

Is happiness stick surgery applied for those with prostate enlargement?

Happiness stick surgery is an operation performed on men with erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it has nothing to do with prostate size. It can be easily worn on patients with prostate enlargement.

Is happiness stick surgery performed after prostate cancer surgery?

Happiness stick surgery is an operation that is usually applied to patients with erectile dysfunction after prostate cancer surgery. During the prostate cancer surgery, the nerves that stimulate the penis are cut, as a result the erection problem appears.

Men who do not have an erection problem before prostate cancer surgery have problems with erection after surgery. Especially in this group of patients, penile prosthesis is much more beneficial.

Does the happiness stick enlarge the penis?

Happiness stick surgery is not a penis enlargement surgery. However, since various curvatures and deformities can be corrected during the operation, some lengthening of the penis after penile prosthesis surgery may occurred externally. In addition, some prostheses that have been technologically developed in the last period, not only increase in length, but also expand transversely, creating some thickness and diameter increase in the penis.

During the happiness stick insertion do we have probe?

During the surgery, a catheter is usually inserted into the urinary tract and removed the next day.

Does the happiness stick get stuck in Peyronie’s patients?

Peyronie’s disease is an important disease that is accompanied by penile curvature and erectile dysfunction. In these patients, the correction of the curvature of the penis is not sufficient in some cases, and the need for penile prosthesis is born in order to achieve full erection. In Peyronie’s patients, both curves are corrected and a penile prosthesis is inserted during surgery.

Do diabetics can have the happiness stick? What is the risk?

Diabetes is a systemic disease. All organs in the body are adversely affected by this disease. Just like other organs, the penis is adversely affected by diabetes. Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common problems in diabetics.

In these patients, sometimes there is no response to other treatment methods and the need to have a happiness stick occurs. The prosthesis can be successfully applied to all these patients whose diabetes is under control. However, the most important risk for these patients is delay in wound healing and infection.

Should sugar control be done before happiness stick surgery?

Before the happiness stick surgery, sugar control should be done. If sugar regulation is not proper, sugar must be controlled before the operation. Because this is one of the factors affecting the success of the surgery.

Is anesthesia preparation required before the happiness stick surgery?

Preoperative preparation for anesthesia is done in all patients. Apart from the routine examinations, the situation is evaluated with special examinations for the patient’s current disease and the type of anesthesia to be applied is determined accordingly.

Consultations from the relevant clinical branches are requested before anesthesia, especially for those who have important diseases such as diabetes or heart disease and those who use drugs for these diseases.

When are blood thinners stopped before the happiness stick surgery?

Which blood thinner drug will be discontinued and when, is decided by the physicians of the department who started the drug. For this reason, consultation is requested from the department where blood thinners are started before the operation.

With which anesthesia is the happiness stick surgery performed?

The anesthesiologist and the patient decide together which anesthesia should be applied during the happiness stick surgery. Although it is usually sufficient to numb the lower part of the waist, general anesthesia can be applied for patients who require or demand it. This decision belongs to the anesthesiologist.

Does happiness stick surgery negatively affect prostate cancer treatment?

Having a happiness stick surgery does not adversely affect current prostate cancer treatment.

Is happiness stick surgery applied for those who have bladder cancer treatment?

Happiness stick surgery can also be applied on those who have bladder cancer treatment. Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common problems, especially in patients whose bladder is completely removed and a new bladder is formed from the intestines. For this reason, penile prosthesis is often a necessary treatment option in this group of patients.

Is happiness stick surgery performed after ESWT treatment?

Happiness stick surgery can be easily applied in patients who do not respond to ESWT treatment, also known as multi-wave.

Is it harmful to have ESWT before happiness stick surgery?

There is no harm in taking shock wave therapy, known as ESWT, before the surgery.

Is the consent form filled before the happiness stick surgery?

All patients are requested to fill in a detailed consent form before the operation.

Is it necessary to shave the genital area before the happiness stick surgery?

If the genital area is shaved before this surgery, it does not pose a problem, but if it is not, the patient is not required to shave the genital area the day before or on the morning of the surgery.

Because a possible incision area and damage can create an entrance gate for infection that may develop after surgery. Shaving of these patients is done by the staff on the operating table if it is necessary.

Can happiness stick surgery be performed on those with congenital penile curvature?

Happiness stick surgery, also known as penile prosthesis implantation, can also be performed on those with congenital penile curvature. During the surgery, both the curvature is corrected and the prosthesis is placed.

Can happiness stick surgery be performed on those who have penile curvature afterwards?

Penile prosthesis surgeries can also be performed for penile curvatures that occur afterwards. Existing curvatures are corrected during the operation.

Is the presence of warts on the penis (HPV) an obstacle for penile prosthesis?

The presence of warts on the penis (HPV) does not constitute an obstacle for penile prosthesis surgery. If it is very prominent and advanced, it would be appropriate to treat warts before surgery.

After the 3-piece penile prosthesis, there is no stiffness as before. What is the problem?

There may be a mechanical problem with the device or inability to use it. Definitely see your doctor.

After the 2-piece penile prosthesis, there is no stiffness as before. What is the problem?

There may be a mechanical problem with the device or inability to use it. Definitely see your doctor.

After the one-piece penile prosthesis, redness and pain occurred at the head of the penis. What is the problem?

This ongoing and painful picture may herald the development of an infection at the tip of the penis known as the glans penis. Contact your doctor immediately.

After the penile prosthesis is removed, will there be an erection with drug treatment again?

Penile prosthesis surgery is unfortunately an irreversible surgery. If the prosthesis is taken out for any reason, it is impossible to restore the hardening with drugs. A new prosthesis must be fitted again for hardening.

Can a new penile prosthesis be reinserted after removal?

After the penile prosthesis is removed, a new prosthesis can be inserted, sometimes in the same session, sometimes in another session. However, the prosthesis removed from the patient is not reattached to the patient.

Is it possible to switch from two-piece to three-piece in penile prosthesis?

If a patient who has a two-piece prosthesis needs to remove the existing one for any reason, a 3-piece prosthesis can be placed instead.

What to do if inflammation occurs after penile prosthesis surgery?

You should immediately consult your doctor without wasting time. It is an important situation. With early diagnosis and treatment, the prosthesis can be saved. Otherwise, all the effort and expense may be wasted.

When the penile prosthesis is removed due to inflammation, can a new one be inserted later?

When the prosthesis is removed due to inflammation, a new prosthesis can be inserted either in the same session or in another session.

Is malleable penile prosthesis necessary for Peyronie’s patients?

One-piece malleable prostheses can be used in Peyronie’s patients, but this is not a must. Inflatable prostheses can also be preferred in suitable patients.

Is there a need for erection enhancing medicines after the happiness stick surgery?

After the operation, the hardening will be provided mechanically by the device. For this reason, medicines that increase the erection to be used after the surgery will not be needed.

Can penile needle treatment be applied for erection after happiness stick surgery?

There is no benefit in treating the penis with a needle to increase the erection after the happiness stick surgery. On the contrary, it causes the existing prosthesis to fail and deteriorate. It should definitely not be done.

How often can the happiness stick be used? Is there a limit?

It is one of the frequently asked questions by patients who have a happiness stick. Patients wonder how often they can have sexual intercourse after this surgery. There are no restrictions for this. What will determine this frequency is the desire for sexual intercourse in the man and the attitude of the female partner towards this situation.

As a result;


  • It is the last step treatment method applied to patients with erectile dysfunction.
  • It is available in one-piece, 2-piece or 3-piece forms.
  • 2- and 3-piece prostheses are also known as inflatable prostheses.
  • One-piece prostheses are known as malleable prostheses.
  • Anesthesia preparation is done before the operation.
  • The part, pump and reservoir placed in the cavernous tissues during the surgery are attached to different body parts for 3-piece prostheses.
  • Pre-existing curvatures of the penis can be corrected during the surgery.
  • Postoperative patient and female partner satisfaction rates can reach over 90%.